Interview with Suzanne Hunt, Generate Upcycle | Biodigesters, Board Positions for Women & the Circular Economy

Interview with Suzanne Hunt, Generate Upcycle

Biodigesters, sustainable vineyards, & board positions for women are just a few of the fun topics Catherine discussed with Suzanne Hunt, VP of Policy at Generate Upcycle, in this Green Light podcast episode. With operations in Europe, Canada & the U.S., Generate Upcycle is dedicated to scaling up mature infrastructure in areas like organic waste recycling & wastewater, & has invested in companies like Atlas Organics. Suzanne shared about some of the challenges of advancing policy goals in a politically volatile environment, as well as advice on how climate activists & cleantech companies can work more cohesively together.

Suzanne has had a diverse & impressive career. She began her career at the Environmental Defense Fund & eventually went on to do work for organizations like XPRIZE, Carbon War Room & Generate. Some of her recent accomplishments include working with coalitions to help get food waste diversion/recycling and climate legislation passed in her home state of New York. Suzanne is also on the board of organizations like Cornell AgriTech, & shared her advice on how women & those with other underrepresented identities can best prepare for a board position.


Transcript coming soon.